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Africa, Nord Africa & Medio Oriente

HomeNotizieAfrica, Nord Africa & Medio Oriente

Tragedia in Kenya, crolla una diga. Oltre 40 i morti

Il crollo forse causato alle piogge torrenziali degli ultimi giorni [....]

L’inviato dell’ONU in Libia si è dimesso

Il senegalese Abdoulaye Bathily ha puntato il dito contro “interferenze economiche straniere” [....]

La Nigeria blocca l’accesso a Twitter

di Redazione #Nigeria Il governo nigeriano ha deciso di bloccare l'accesso a Twitter nel paese dopo una decisione unilaterale che inserisce Twitter tra gli elementi pericolosi...


Congo. Erutta il vulcano Nyiragongo nell’est del Paese

di Redazione, #Africa Il vulcano Nyiragongo nell'est del paese africano ha eruttato e 170 bambini sarebbero morti a causa dell'eruzione, mentre altri 150 sono stati separati...

Attacco jihadista in Burkina Faso, ucciso anche il documentarista spagnolo Beriain, l’autore di “Il mondo dei narcos”

di Redazione, #Notizie Tra le quattro persone uccise nell'attacco jihadista del 27 aprile in Burkina Faso, si trova anche il documentarista spagnolo David Beriain assassinato insieme...

Attacco jihadista in Burkina Faso: tre giornalisti europei rapiti e uccisi

di Redazione, #Terrorismo Tra i quattro rapiti e uccisi da un attacco jihadista in Burkina Faso ci sono anche tre giornalisti europei: due spagnoli e un'irlandese....

Leggi di più

Ama Comedy, a couple of extremely funny (and smart) shootings from Gambia

by G.G. #AmaComedy twitter@gaiaitalia.com #Coronavirus   A couple of days ago we dropped on a couple of very funny videos shooted by Ama Comedy, a very...

Coronavirus in Ghana. President lifted partial lockdown

by Kwabena Step #Accra twitter@gaiaitaliacom #Ghana   Corona Virus has really been a thon in majority of countries around the world and is really cursing fear...

Coronaviruses’ in Nigeria cases near to 1.000 (981 confirmed)

by PPR #Coronavirus twitter@gaiaitaliacom #Nigeria   Coronavirus' cases in Nigeria raised close to 1.000 with 108 news cases reported, according to offcial informations from the Governement...

Ghana governement orders: face masks made compulsory in capital Accra

by PPR #Ghana twitter@gaiaitaliacom #Coronavirus   Three days after the three weeks general locked-down for the capital Accra and two other metropolis, Ghana's Governement decided for...

Ghana. Coronavirus cases raise to 1.154. Recovered are now 120

by PPR #Ghana twitter@gaiaitaliacom #Coronavirus   Coronavirus cases in Ghana raised to 1.154. Twelve more then the last bulletin states the 19th of april, according to...

Ghana’s coronavirus cases hit 834 and became Africa’s third sub-Saharan most impacted country

by PPR #Ghana twitter@gaiaitaliacom #Coronavirus   Ghana raised 894 Coronavirus's cases and increased the infection of 193 paatients. According to Africanews.com the cases were recorded across...

Kenya coronavirus’ cases hit 189. Today 5 more Kenyans tested positive

by P.P.Ruiz #Kenya twitter@gaiaitaliacom #Coronavirus   According to AfricaNews.com coronavirus' cases in Kenya reached at 189; Health Minister Mutahi Kagwe announced today that 5 more Kenyans...

Malawi confirms three coronavirus cases, 50 African countries are now infected

by Pablo "Pibe" Ruiz #Africa twitter@gaiaitaliacom #Coronavirus   According to Africa News Malawi's president Peter Mutharika confirmed on Thursday the third case of COVID-19 in the...

Sierra Leone confirms the first case of Coronavirus

by Pablo "Pibe" Ruiz #AfricaNews twitter@gaiaitalia_eng #BreakingNews   According to the daily news site Africa News, Sierra Leone president Julius Maada Bio has confirmed the 31st...

Gambia governement bans protests and silences critical media while former dictator Jammeh seeks to return

by P.P.Ruiz #Gambia twitter@gaiaitaliacom #englishnews   According to AfricaNews while former president and dictator Jammeh seeks to return home, Gambian governement have banned protest and silenced media...

Cessate il fuoco in Libia. Russia regista e grande opportunità per la Turchia

di Ali Dizboni, Esperto del Medio Oriente #Libia twitter@gaiaitaliacom #MedioOriente   La Libia è uno degli stati più agitati della regione. Dopo l'assassinio cruento del leader...

Miss World Africa is a 21-years-old Public Health student

by J.P.S. #Africa twitter@gaiaitaliacom #EnglishNews   The actual Miss Nigeria, Nyekachi Douglas, was crowned on Saturday 14th crowned as Miss World Africa at the Miss World...

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